Save the Villa Spelman

Information for the supporters of the movement to stop the Johns Hopkins University from selling the Villa Spelman.

March 06, 2006

GRO supports graduate students' position on the villa

Tonight's Graduate Representative Organization meeting included a discussion of the University's decision to sell the Villa Spelman. The History of Art graduate students presented a letter requesting the support of the GRO in their position, which requests that the University stop the sale, renovate the villa, and include students in plans for the development of the program. The GRO voted to support this position. The History of Art department also hopes to include students from other departments when they present a letter outlining their points of action to Dean Falk. The German dept. rep and the Romance Languages dept rep both expressed interest in joining in the letter. If any other dept. would like to be included, please contact Christina Neilson ( in the History of Art Department.
posted by Ryan Gregg at 10:51 AM