Save the Villa Spelman

Information for the supporters of the movement to stop the Johns Hopkins University from selling the Villa Spelman.

March 06, 2006

KSAS Graduate Student Working Group Meeting - Thursday, March 9th, 6:30pm, Macaulay 400

Dear All,

After discussions among graduate students following the recent decisions made by JHU administration that have begun to affect intellectual life at the Krieger School, a number of us have decided to sit down and try to focus our concerns as a group.

As Hopkins Grad Students, we'd like to meet collectively to discuss our concerns, and to brainstorm about how to best have our voices heard by University Administration. Ultimately, we want to begin conversations with the Administration—likely by voicing our concerns through the GRO (but also through other avenues as needed)--in order to start influencing the Administration's decisions regarding the KSAS. Some pressing issues to be discussed will include:

1. The sale of Villa Spelman
2. The future of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Hopkins
3. Graduate student stipends

We hope you will join us, THIS THURSDAY, March 9th, at 6:30pm, in Macaulay 400.

Questions? Concerns? Email
posted by Ryan Gregg at 10:43 AM